Our night of drinking on the deck was brought inside by the rolling thunder and rain on the windows. Of course that did not stop our festivities. Thank you to my dear friend, Trish, for hosting margarita Tuesday. Trish is the original buyer of the book, 101 Margaritas. She gave me the book a few years ago as a gift, which we discussed tonight. I thought that she had given me the book for a college graduation or birthday gift. Boy, was I was wrong!! The gift was given to me to cheer me up after a difficult break up. I was suppose to drink my pain away, I guess. I didn't get that at the time. Whoopsie! That makes me appreciate the book even more now after I have begun this challenge.
One of the recipes called for an ingredient called Co-Co Lopez. I wasn't sure what the hell it was for sure or where the hell to find it. Well, the interested fact of the day was that it's cream of coconut and it mainly used for Pina Coladas and can be found

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